Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
ALBT170.ZIP | Yes | 567093 | 6/15/1995 | Albatros CD Player 1.70 allows you to play audio compact disks on your CD-ROM in OS/2. It features repeat, random play, sample play, LCD style display, and more. (Norbert Heller) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ARCM23.ZIP | Yes | 76837 | 6/19/1995 | Archive Manager 2.3 is a multithreaded PM front end for PKZIP, InfoZIP 5.x, and LHA. Drag and drop features allow you to easily create and maintain archive files. (Kelly Schrock) (Reg.Fee: $29) |
BA2PR30D.ZIP | Yes | 872561 | 5/31/1995 | Back Again/2 3.0 is a 32-bit backup utility for OS/2 2.1 which supports HPFS, long filenames, and extended attributes as well as processing files which are currently in use. All OS/2 logical devices are supported for backup, including Novell Netware, LAN Server, and NFS network drives. This version can only back up 2MB at a time. NEW: a feature to allow backup of one or more drives, folders, or files by dragging them to the appropriate backup device object, improved device support, improved file selection. (Computer Data Strategies) (Reg.Fee: $38) |
CAPTURE1.ZIP | Yes | 11881 | 6/15/1995 | Capture (DF) is an OS/2 2.0 text mode program that copies an image of the session screen to standard output. (Dave Feustel) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CASE11WK.ZIP | Yes | 5297 | 6/22/1995 | Case (WK) 1.1 is a case changing utility for OS/2 HPFS file names and directories. Options include changing directory name, file name, both, body name only, extension only, uppercase-only, and lowercase only. (Wonkoo Kim) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
CONFED07.ZIP | Yes | 85128 | 6/16/1995 | Confed 0.7 is a small utility to modify or create an OS/2 config.sys. (Eric Slaats) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
CONNER.ZIP | Yes | 16638 | 6/16/1995 | Conner is a tape device driver version 1.129 95/02/22 for Backmaster V1.x (OS/2 V2.x & Warp). (Reg.Fee: $0) |
FIH110.ZIP | Yes | 118515 | 6/20/1995 | Icon Heaven 1.10 is an enhancement for the OS/2 Workplace Shell which will simplifiy the task of keeping icon libraries and assigning icons to objects. It will store icons in special compressed libraries and only expand those when they are accessed, thus reducing the amount of storage space needed. NEW: copying of icons from one folder to another, deleting icons implemented, recreating objects after a re-install of OS/2, icons can be extracted from libraries using the pop-up menu and edited with the icon editor, and support for animated folder icons. (Lange Kerkdam) (Reg.Fee: $10) |
FINDIT2.ZIP | Yes | 25633 | 6/20/1995 | FindIt 2.0 is a file locating program for OS/2 Presentation Manager. NEW: multiple deleting of a file and drag 'n' drop capabilities. (Pete Graszer) (Reg.Fee: $5) |
FLCP211.ZIP | Yes | 129805 | 6/15/1995 | Floppy-Copy 2.11 is a diskette copier for OS/2. You can manually select heads, tracks and sectors per track. It is possible to copy your favorite MAC, Power MAC and UNIX diskettes with this program. (Oliver Albrecht) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
FM2_232.ZIP | Yes | 1012863 | 5/22/1995 | FM/2 2.32 is a file manager replacement for OS/2 which can also be used with your WPS Drives objects and directory folders. It facilitates file system maintenance and investigation, program launching, archive viewing and more. (Mark Kimes) (Reg.Fee: $40) |
ICONT190.ZIP | Yes | 138168 | 6/20/1995 | IconTool 1.90 allows you to reverse the standard drag-and-drop method by dragging the icon to a file to perform the desired function. NEW: ICON.EXE now utilizes WPTOOLS.DLL to query object settings, both formatted and unformatted. (Henk Kelder) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MIDIFORM.ZIP | Yes | 24073 | 5/13/1995 | MIDIForm 1.0 converts between Format 1 and 2 MIDI files and Format 0 MIDI files. (Jeff Glatt) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
MYPUL033.ZIP | Yes | 43107 | 6/21/1995 | MyPulse 0.33 is a CPU monitor much like Pulse (which ships with OS/2). (Frank Thilo) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
NEWPAD.ZIP | Yes | 14769 | 6/20/1995 | New Pad 1.0 creates new launch pads in OS/2. (Gary L. Robinson) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
OS2C_103.ZIP | Yes | 216578 | 5/15/1995 | OS/2-Commander 1.03 is a Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It offers integrated archive-handling, HPFS-support, a file finder function, full network compatibility, and more. NEW: improved use with RAR archives which contain extended attributes, improved detection of ARJ OS/2 and DOS versions, added display of the number of files and bytes in tagged directories. (AIP-NL) (Reg.Fee: $30) |
OSC_221I.ZIP | Yes | 1271974 | 5/24/1995 | VirusScan for OS/2 2.2.1i scans and cleans computers and local area networks for known and new viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. (McAfee Associates, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $65) |
PC2V190.ZIP | Yes | 549500 | 6/22/1995 | Program Commander/2 1.90 is a WPS enhancement or replacement. It features a program launcher, virtual desktops, hotkey support, sliding focus and a spooler control window which enables spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement. Requires OS/2 2.x, 3.x Presentation Manager. (Roman Stangl) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PGMG034.ZIP | Yes | 48119 | 5/14/1995 | PageMage 0.34b is a virtual desktop utility for OS/2 that allows the user to work on several desktops at once. (Carlos Ugarte) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
PMD22E.ZIP | Yes | 178123 | 6/22/1995 | PM Diskcopy 2.2 is a 32-bit utility to copy disks under OS/2 2.1+. You can use this program to copy disks several times, compare disks or store disks as image files on your hard disk. Requires a 386+. (Bernd Wetzel) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
PMUND140.ZIP | Yes | 82837 | 6/22/1995 | PM Undelete (RH) 1.40 is a GUI program for a quick recovery of deleted files. This PM program will undelete files to their original directory or to the system's TMP directory. Deleted files may be also be made permanent. The program can also display deleted files in order to explore their contents before performing any actions. (R. Hauser) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SCHED201.ZIP | Yes | 42097 | 6/22/1995 | Schedule-IT! 2.01 is a GUI program for OS/2 that allows you to schedule different events to run at various times on various days. It can also be used to launch programs in real time. (Keith Luken) (Reg.Fee: $25) |
SP103.ZIP | Yes | 103906 | 5/22/1995 | SetPriority 1.03 sets the priority of a DOS session at OS/2 2.0+ machines. (Jens Glathe) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
SSAVER22.ZIP | Yes | 474804 | 5/22/1995 | ScreenSaver 2.2 is a 32-bit screen saver for OS/2 2.0+ which also includes password protection. NEW: network support for lockup feature and configuration settings, DPMS support, desktop menu utility, Win-OS/2 support, PM install program. (Siegfried Hanisch) (Reg.Fee: $20) |
TSKBAR25.ZIP | Yes | 242054 | 5/14/1995 | Taskbar for OS/2 2.50 allows rapid switching among multiple running programs. It provides a pop-up button bar containing a list of all running programs in the system. NEW: now functions as a workplace shell object, separate OS/2 2.x and Warp versions, improved custom icons for DOS sessions and OS/2 character mode sessions.2.x and Warp versions, improved custom icons for DOS sessions and OS/2 character mode sessions. (Rick Yoder) (Reg.Fee: $15) |
WPTOOL16.ZIP | Yes | 204728 | 5/15/1995 | WPTools 1.6 allows you to partially backup your OS/2 workplace shell. If you ever have to re-install your desktop, you can use these functions to recreate all your WPProgram and WPShadow objects, as well as the folders they reside in. NEW: added launchpad support, added new REXX API call. (Henk Kelder) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ZAM22F.ZIP | Yes | 76811 | 6/15/1995 | ZAM2 2.2f is an archive shell for OS/2. It supports ZIP, Z, GZ, TAR, ZOO, ARC, ARJ, LZH and PACK formats. It can be used to tag files for inclusion in archives, check file dates, recurse subdirectories, and more. Requires REXX/VREXX. (Rudi Haller) (Reg.Fee: $0) |
ZTB125.ZIP | Yes | 154910 | 5/6/1995 | ZTreeBold 1.25 is a text-mode file/directory manager for OS/2. This is a true 32bit multithreaded OS/2 application which features support of long HPFS filenames and EAs, flexible support of any archiving program present and future, and the ability to launch OS/2 programs. NEW: added a command to rename all tagged files, added setting for long HPFS file names. (Kim Henkel) (Reg.Fee: $35) |